Taylor's "Race for Profit" is a must read
Taylor’s “Race for Profit” is necessary if you want to understand the Black economic plight and the persistence of racial housing segregation in the United States. She documents in great detail the many failures of HUD public-private housing programs of the 60s and 70s. Taylor argues programs such as the low-income homeownership program were doomed from the start with the inclusion of the real estate industry, which steered the objectives from increased housing stability and homeownership among low-income Blacks towards providing a steady cash flow for real estate industry hustlers and corrupt bureaucrats. It was no surprise then programs failed as the schemes allowed widespread exploitation, bringing down those they were supposed to help. Instead of addressing the clear fraud, mismanagement, and neglect of HUD and its private partners, they found an easy scapegoat: Placing blame on the victim's character, the culture of poverty, and the insufficiency of government. Mea...